

CD2 #26
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 My Family Tree

Trees multiply and so do Me’s.  All people call themselves ME. 
My mom and dad had a mom and dad.  All were ME’s. 
And their moms and dads had moms and dads.  All were ME’s. 
My ancestors form my genealogy.   That’s just a big word for a family tree. 
I draw and color my family tree.  
At the end of each branch I write the word ME, which stands for a member of my family. 
Each ME is related to ME.   My tree is full of moms and dads. 
All of these people are ME’s.  I look at my tree and what do I see? 
I see ME.  ME at the top of my family tree.  
ME connected to lots of ME’s. 
I look in the mirror and what do I see? … a happy ME with a family tree. 
For it makes ME very happy to see that it’s taken many ME’s to be ME.  
I look in the mirror and what do I see? … a happy ME with a family tree. 
For it makes ME very happy to see that it’s taken many ME’s to be ME. 
It’s taken many ME’s to be ME.  
It’s taken many ME’s to be ME.


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